
My 29th Bday

January 16th, was my 29th birthday. My hubby bought me a nice bouquet of my favorite flowers, hydrangeas..and some beautiful roses. May I add that he created this bouquet himself. Props to my wonderful husband, that's why he is the best!!
At work my staff made me lunch and bought me my favorite- vanilla cake with fudge frosting. Mmmm. Then they joked about me being 9-2 by switching my candles around. So not funny!
After work I decided to spend it with my husband, my kiddos and with good friends.

Although I am against work day parties, it was my birthday so I said, what the heck..let's do it! I barely got any sleep and then had to wake up early. I was so tired at work and hung over, but it was worth it! lol

This is Joe..my husband's best friend. We have the same birthday...guess that's why my husband loves us so much! :)
This was me just joking! ;)

Saving the best picture for last...this is a picture of me and the hubby before the festivities commenced. I love it. He is so G.Q.

::singing:: Happy Birthdayyyy tooo mmmmeeeee!

My mom bought me an electrical frother for my bday that heats up the milk and makes it extra foamy. Amazing! I love it so much better than my manual one. woo hoo.

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